Style Identity


To bring more colour, confidence and joy into the world. To show you what colours and lines suit you best. To make your shopping decisions well-informed, value for money and long-term wise. To bring peace to your mind. From now until forever.



According to sociolinguist Albert Mehrabian, in a face-to-face encounter, 55 percent of the message is transmitted by the speaker’s appearance and body language; 38 percent by the vocal tone; and 7 percent by the words used.

My name is Daniela Ivanovová and I am the founder of Style Identity. As a true Libra I have always been interested in aesthetics, beauty and harmony. I often wondered why “wardrobe must haves” and “shades for all skin types” only work on some people and don’t flatter others. How can I recognise what would look great and what wouldn’t on a particular person? My analytical mind wanted to find the equation that would explain it all and help everyone look their best.

Based on my extensive research, the following 2 ingredients are vital for achieving aesthetically pleasing visual effect, i.e. the essence of beauty: colour harmony and line harmony. When you wear colours and lines that are the natural extension of you, you create harmony that is pleasant to the eye and you look beautiful, healthy and authentic. Think of celebrities that look stunning. Most of the time they wear their ideal colours, materials, lines and makeup and know how to incorporate less flattering garments successfully.

Do you know your ideal colours, metals, materials and how to combine them to satisfy your personal contrast levels? How about make-up and hair colour? Do you wear shapes, lengths, cuts and materials that are inherent to your body structure (bone, flesh, size, yin & yang features)? Do your clothes complement your skin tone and flatter the essence of your body?

There is nothing more difficult than to see yourself objectively and to carefully determine what colours and lines truly flatter you. And even more importantly, what colours and lines work against you.

Let me help you discover your Colour Type! Are you a Bright Spring, Warm Spring, Light Spring, Light Summer, Cool Summer, Soft Summer, Soft Summer Light, Soft Summer Deep, Soft Autumn, Soft Autumn Light, Soft Autumn Deep, Warm Autumn, Deep Autumn, Deep Winter, Cool Winter or Bright Winter? How about your hue and value contrast levels?

Do you know your Image Archetype (Body Type)? Are you Dramatic, Soft Dramatic, Flamboyant Natural, Natural, Soft Natural, Dramatic Classic, Classic, Soft Classic, Flamboyant Gamine, Gamine, Soft Gamine, Theatrical Romantic, Romantic, Ethereal, Ingenue or a combination of 3 essences?

Let’s maximise your aesthetic impact by removing things that work against you and let your true colours and lines shine. Let’s empower you to become your best personal stylist! I’m here to help you stop wasting time and money, and feel more comfortable and confident in your clothes.

The know-how I share is based on the principles of colour theory, geometry and harmony of proportions, i.e. science. It is free from judgement, personal taste and the seasonal dictate of the fashion industry. Every session with Style Identity is about you and your exterior that is being analysed with great precision, care as well as respect for its uniqueness. When you leave my studio, you should have absolutely no doubt about the results, i.e. your Colour Type and your Body Type. Moreover, you should feel that you have received an in-depth training as well as enough materials to be able to successfully implement everything that you’ve learned.

Call or email me to arrange an appointment. I will be honoured to dedicate my time and attention to your beauty.


Curriculum Vitae

BSc (Hons) International Management, MBS
MSc International Management, ESADE
2005 – 2009

BD, Strategy & Project Management Roles in the Legal, Manufacturing and financial services industries
2010 – 2017

Study of Personal Colour analysis and Personal Image Archetypes
2014 – 2019 (Present)

Style Identity
2019 – Present


Thanks so much! I was so inspired by the session you have no idea. As if someone would have opened a new world to me.

/  Anna P.  /

Daniela's knowledge, passion and real care for what she does, especially the desire to teach and help clients feel better, shines through every detail!

/  Valentina C.  /